Collection: GTMEDIA - MARS IKS

GTmedia Mars (COMBO, V8 UHD ,V8X ,V7 PRO, V9Prime ,X8)

Mars iks It is a server for Gtmedia devices like Gtmedia V8 UHD , It opens channels in many satellites ….”

How To Add Server MARS IKS to GTmedia :

Gtmedia V8 UHD : search in google

Gtmedia V8X : search in google

Gtmedia V9 Prime : search in google

Gtmedia V7 Pro : search in google

Channels Opened By the Mars

*the supplier remains solely responsible for the content of its packages and the availability of the channels included in its offer.

*Some channels or packages may be temporarily unavailable, this is totally beyond our control.

Important :

*Once the BOX-ID has been renewed, we can no longer cancel the purchase.

  • VIP package open everything on the server : on Nilsat 7°W: BE-I -N SPORTS +( SP+ SERVER+apollo tv)
  • VIP package opens everything on the server: on Badr 26°E: BE-I -N SPORTS+( SP+ SERVER+apollotv)
  • VIP package opens everything on the server: on Eutelsat 36°E: DSTV +( SP+ SERVER+apollotv)
  • AF-VIP (Africa VIP ): its for Sub-Saharan African its open only some African packages like DSTV