GTmedia Mars (COMBO, V8 UHD ,V8X ,V7 PRO, V9Prime ,X8)
Mars iks It is a server for Gtmedia devices like Gtmedia V8 UHD , It opens channels in many satellites ….”
How To Add Server MARS IKS to GTmedia COMPO:
- Download the file from
and copy to USB device in the root directory;
2. Insert the USB drive into your GTCOMBO device.
3. Navigate to the "APP/ Update/ Local Update" section in your original software to initiate the update process.
Upon completion, the device will automatically reboot and make the serialise to get the BoxID if the network
4. Go to "Menu/ Settings/ Reset menu" and execute "Reset all" to finalize the process. From now on, it will be
totally changed to the New software.
5. You can use "Renew Mars" and input the 10 Digital BoxID to make subscriotion.
Channels Opened By the Mars
*the supplier remains solely responsible for the content of its packages and the availability of the channels included in its offer.
*Some channels or packages may be temporarily unavailable, this is totally beyond our control.
Important :
*Once the BOX-ID has been renewed, we can no longer cancel the purchase.
- VIP package open everything on the server : on Nilsat 7°W: BE-I -N SPORTS +( SP+ SERVER+apollo tv)
- VIP package opens everything on the server: on Badr 26°E: BE-I -N SPORTS+( SP+ SERVER+apollotv)
- VIP package opens everything on the server: on Eutelsat 36°E: DSTV +( SP+ SERVER+apollotv)
- AF-VIP (Africa VIP ): its for Sub-Saharan African its open only some African packages like DSTV