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AF-VIP Package (DSTV) 36°E - 6 Months

AF-VIP Package (DSTV) 36°E - 6 Months

Regular price 112,00 lei RON
Regular price 117,00 lei RON Sale price 112,00 lei RON
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after finishing the order, please wait for a delivery confirmation Email, DO NOT CALL OR SEND asking for activation.

restart your device after getting the delivery confirmation Email and your device should work

ACTIVATION process takes 1-60 minutes during business hours

  • What is AF-VIP Subscription:

    AF-VIP (Africa VIP ) 36°E : its for Sub-Saharan African its open only some African packages such as: DSTV 36°E – AFN – SLTV 51°E- Moreplex – C+Reunion – Zap – 68.5°E C-Band india – Meo… etc.
  • AF-VIP (Africa VIP ): its for Sub-Saharan African its open African packages like DSTv
  • AF-VIP included the basic packages such as AFN,SLTV,Moreplex,C+Reunion,Zap,68.5E C-Band india,Meo and etc...
  • AF-VIP Opens DSTv at Eutelsat 36

available for the African continent, covering countries such as Ethiopia (ET), Eritrea (ER), Somalia (SO), Djibouti (DJ), Kenya (KE), Tanzania (TZ), Uganda (UG), Rwanda (RW), Burundi (BI), Seychelles (SC), Mauritania (MR), Western Sahara (EH), Gambia (GM), Mali (ML), Burkina Faso (BF), Guinea (GN), Guinea-Bissau (GW), Cape Verde (CV), Sierra Leone (SL), Liberia (LR), Cote D'ivoire (CI), Ghana (GH), Togo (TG), Benin (BJ), Niger (NE), Nigeria (NG), Senegal (SN), Chad (TD), Central African Republic (CF), Cameroon (CM), Equatorial Guinea (GQ), Gabon (GA), Congo (CG), Sao Tome & Principe (ST), Zambia (ZM), Angola (AO), Zimbabwe (ZW), Malawi (MW), Mozambique (MZ), Botswana (BW), Namibia (NA), South Africa (ZA), Lesotho (LS), Madagascar (MG), Comoros (KM), Mauritius (MU), Reunion (RE), St. Helena (SH), Swaziland (SZ), and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (CD)

  • How to check your subscription:

    to check your subscription and server type go to this page>: subscription check

  • What channels and frequency can AF-VIP open on it :

    check this page > VIP Package working Channels list and Frequency’s

  • Some Supported Devices For AF-VIP Subscription :

    -Renewal & Activation of the 1-month AF-VIP subscription. Activation on all receivers that work with goosat such as Starsat, Geant, mediastar, Bware, Magnum, Pinnacle, YTiger, Qmax, Tiger, Vizyon, Class, TigerStar, T-Link, SKYSAT, GiGaBlue, Next Ye, StarMax, Megasat, truman, JYNXBOX, ………….)-Renouvellement & Activation de l’abonnement AF-VIP 1 mois. Activation instantanée sur tout les récepteurs qui marche avec serveur Goosat.
  • How to order AF-VIP Subscription:
    1. Ensure your receiver system software is up to date, signal quality is good, the device is connected to the internet.
    2. Enter the receiver Serial Number (SN) of your device.
    3. Where to find Serial Number (SN): (Menu > system setting > About STB)
    4. Enter SN in the field above.
    5. The order process will take 1-60 minutes only during business hours.
    6. After the order is complete, reboot the receiver.
    if you do not know the server name on your device .. you can check your subscription and server type go to this page>: subscription check
  • Important before order:

    1. Processing time can sometimes take up to 6 hours.
    2. The supplier remains solely responsible for the content of his packages and the availability of the channels included in his offer.
    3. Some channels or bouquets may be temporarily unavailable, this is totally beyond our control
    4. No guarantee on the availability of services or packages during the subscription.
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